Music: On/Off

A potpourri of the South's people, art, literature, music, history, humor and cultural idiosyncrasies.


" ' Bred en bawn in a brier-patch, Brer Fox - bred en bawn in a brier-patch!...' "
Uncle Remus, Joel Chandler Harris

* A potpourri of the South's people, art, literature, music, history, humor and cultural idiosyncrasies.

* Perry, Georgia

A Southern town & its people.

tragedy.gif (10475 bytes) * The War Between theStates

Deo Vindice

* The Moody Family
The Hancock Family
The Parker Family
The Eubanks Family
The Walker Family
The Bush Family
The Scarborough Family

* Resources for Southern genealogists.

* A special place for all the little folk.


Southern born, Southern bred and though living in many places across the USA, my heart always remained in Dixie. Fortunately, after 20 years, I was thrown back in the "Briar Patch".

It is a deep love of the South and its history that have inspired this page.


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hall-of-fame.gif (4544 bytes)


Brer Rabbit iIlustration by Al Dempster & Bill Justice. Adapted from Song of the South.

Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, lyrics by Ray Gilbert, music by Allie Wrubel. Midi file courtesy of Laura's MIDI Heaven.

Pages on this site are created and maintained by
Terrelle M. Walker


All materials on these pages not specifically stated to be in the public domain or acknowledged as the work of others (including but not limited to images, graphics, wallpaper, MIDI files, and original commentary) are the property of
The Briar Patch and its creator.
All rights reserved. May not be reproduced without permission.